In harmony with you and nature

50% of all Germans are now overweight and have a BMI of over 25. Over 40% of all men and women do not exercise enough. 80% of all Germans are considered to be overly acidic. 60% of all Germans suffer from stress and 20% even feel constantly stressed - the current study situation on the subject looks alarming. The consequences of lack of exercise, hyperacidity, obesity and stress are the so-called diseases of civilization.

People feel exhausted, tired, have headaches, muscle and joint pain. The intestinal health is not in balance and the immune system shuts down. We become more susceptible to infections and overall performance decreases. Maybe you know that too. On the other hand, our food has lost around 50% of its nutrients in just 60 years due to intensive agriculture and monocultures. This means that an apple today only has about half the vitamins it had 60 years ago.

As a result, it is becoming increasingly difficult to cope with the demands of modern times and to ensure one's supply of vital nutrients through one's diet.

hajoona. Always at your side.

hajoona has made it its mission to meet precisely these challenges of our modern times and offers you a coherent product concept with a simple, integrated solution approach for these five current challenges of our time. With products made from natural ingredients, without preservatives, with high bioavailability and Made in Germany.

A key component of the hajoona concept is h-SUN+ Green Coffee. It has an alkaline effect in the body and thus counteracts hyperacidity. The ingredients stimulate fat metabolism and can help regulate weight problems.

h-ONE+ Nutrition for adults and children ensures that these important vitamins and minerals are absorbed in an optimally usable form and quality. This eliminates a potential nutrient deficiency, prepares a long-term healthy diet and also creates an alkaline counterbalance to the issue of hyperacidity.

The basis of the product concept is intestinal cleansing with h-SUN+ Clean I and II. It supports your body in dealing with the negative consequences of lack of exercise, hyperacidity and stress. Clean II supplies the body with, among other things, probiotic intestinal bacteria, which not only protect your organism from the problems mentioned above, but also ensure better utilization of the most important nutrients. This means that more qualitative nutrients are absorbed into the blood than before.

For a healthy body, an alert mind, balance and well-being.